Cleaning Could Get A Little Messy For Thicker, Deep Dish Style Pizzas

Posted On October 9, 2017 at 1:56 pm by / 6 Comments

Everyone Loves Pizza!

I was fortunate to travel to Naples, Italy earlier this year. Naples (Napoli as the Italians call it) is a city in southern Italy widely regarded as the birthplace of modern pizza. During my 3 day stay in Naples, pizza eating became a ritual. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner was well….you guessed it pizza! And I’m talking all kinds of pizzas. Everything from traditional margaritas to deep fried, I tried it all. Here’s the interesting part…..everyone else in Naples was pigging out just like me, tourists and locals alike. Not that I didn’t know it before, but damn the world loves pizza! If you think about it, food does more than just nourish us. It allows for families to bond, cultures to unite, and in the case of pizza, it makes for one awesome first date!

If You're Ever In Beautiful Napoli, Make Sure You Check Out Dal Presidente Pizzeria!
If You’re Ever In Beautiful Napoli, Make Sure You Check Out Dal Presidente Pizzeria!

I love everything about pizza, except for one thing: cutting it into slices. These days putting together a homemade pizza is as simple as pouring cereal in a bowl. Okay, maybe not quite as easy, but you get the point. You can buy different kinds of pizza base, grated cheese, and even tomato sauce. Once you have all your ingredients ready, assembling the pizza is usually a quick affair. Throw it in the oven, kick back and relax. Alright, your pizza’s just about ready to eat except for one thing: it needs to be cut. This one step could be the difference between a good pizza and a “Is that yesterday’s leftovers!?” pizza. If you have a crappy pizza cutter, you won’t be able to cut as straight as you’d like, and you could ultimately ruin the spread of toppings (cheese, salami, anchovies etc.). No one likes a slice with hardly any toppings, just as no one likes a mouthful (and handful) of too much toppings!

The Perfect Slice: Not Too Little, Not Too Much, Just Right!
The Perfect Slice: Not Too Little, Not Too Much, Just Right!

So how do we solve this problem? Serving up a perfect slice requires you to be armed with the best pizza cutter. While technique does play a part, having a good pizza cutter is definitely more important. Enough talk…..below are 6 of my favorites!



My 6 Best Pizza Cutters!

Before we get into it, I want to quickly mention the criteria I used to come up with this list of 6.

  1. Ease Of Use – How does the device operate, and more importantly is it quick and easy to use? Or is it awkward, and require excessive force to cut through crust?
  2. Cleaning – How long does it take to clean, and does it require any complicated disassembly? Are there any tight spots or tough to clean areas?
  3. Long Term Maintenance – How rust resistant is the material? How long will the cutter retain it’s edge, and does it require to be sharpened?
  4. Price & Warranty – Maximum budget is $20. There’s no reason whatsoever to be paying more than this for a pizza cutter. Is there a manufacturers warranty, and if so how long is the coverage?
  5. Safety – On a scale of 1-10 how easy is it to get cut? Is the device protected by a blade guard?

Now that you have some insight towards my evaluation process, let’s look at best pizza cutter number 1!



#1 Kitchy Pizza Cutter Wheel

This is the #1 best selling pizza cutter online. If you’re wondering what all the fuss is about, keep reading!

Kitchy Cutter Wheel: The Modern Day Pizza Cutter!
Kitchy Cutter Wheel: The Modern Day Pizza Cutter!


What I Like About It

Stupendously Easy To Use!

My one favorite thing about this device is how easy and simple it is to use. The design is such that slicing a pizza feels completely natural. Unlike other awkward cutters, this one affords you complete control. Props to the designers/engineers!

It Feels Comfortable To Hold

I’d say the comfort factor can be attributed to the non slip ergonomic handle. What this does is enhance grip and prevent slippage during use. We all know pizzas are greasy, and handling them makes your hands oily and slippery, so having a non slip handle definitely helps!

Blade Guard Keeps Me Safe

In case you didn’t know, this comes with a retractable blade guard that you can open/close as required. A nice little feature to have even though pizza cutters are hardly sharp enough to do serious bodily damage. The blade guard also protects the blade itself from damage (and even rust).


What I Don’t Like About It

For Deep Dish Pizzas, Cleaning Could Be An Issue

For thick, deep dish style pizzas, cleaning the Kitchy could be a slight concern (I’m being a little picky here). Because it’s small, you’re likely going to end up getting grease and sauce pretty much everywhere both inside and outside the device. This isn’t the biggest deal in the world, because everything can still be washed up. Just a minor annoyance more than anything.

Cleaning Could Get A Little Messy For Thicker, Deep Dish Style Pizzas
Cleaning Could Get A Little Messy For Thicker, Deep Dish Style Pizzas



#2 Checkered Chef Pizza Rocker Blade

Got a little bit of a technique to it, but once you figure that out this thing is freaking awesome!

Checkered Chef Rocker Blade: It Can Be Used For So Many Different Things!
Checkered Chef Rocker Blade: It Can Be Used For So Many Different Things!


What I Like About It

More Than Just A Pizza Cutter

Is this the best pizza cutter? Folks online certainly think so! What I really like about this device is how incredibly versatile it is in the kitchen. There are literally tons of things you could use it for: slice up brownie bars, finely chop up herbs, and I’ve even used it to mince meat! I’m sure there’s lots of other awesome uses in the kitchen.

A Ton Of Possibilities In The Kitchen!
A Ton Of Possibilities In The Kitchen!

Works Very Well For Medium To Large & Thick Crust Pizzas

Unlike the wheel style cutter, this does really well at slicing up medium/large pizzas. It’s much easier to cut up a large pizza using this tool compared to a pizza wheel (would be more tedious with the wheel). A couple rocks back and forth is all you need. Same thing applies when working with thick, deep dish style pizzas; the rocker blade works better than the wheel because of it’s size and depth.

Cutting A Pizza Has Never Been Faster

It’s no surprise many pizza restaurants opt for this style of cutter over the wheel. All it takes is 4 cuts (vertical, horizontal, and two diagonal) and you’re done! Also, cleaning the tool is a breeze. The unit is one single part, so no disassembly required.


What I Don’t Like About It

It’s Pretty Bulky & Large

If you’re not too fussy about storage, then this won’t be a problem for you. I’ve always been a fan of portable kitchen solutions, and that’s where the Checkered Chef rocker blade disappoints.



#3 OXO Good Grips 4-Inch Pizza Wheel

The traditional pizza wheel that everyone and their grandmother owns. What’s different about this one is it actually works!

OXO Pizza Wheel: Cuts Through Crust Like A Knife Through Butter!
OXO Pizza Wheel: Cuts Through Crust Like A Knife Through Butter!


What I Like About It

Stainless Steel Edge That Will Rip Through Crust!

At first glance you might mistake this for a cheap dollar store cutter, but it’s far from that. They both look identical, but they perform quite differently. Looks can be deceiving. The dollar store version requires 4-5 rolls to partially cut the crust. This usually requires 1 roll and your pizza is sliced clean. No messing around!

Easy Cleaning

Cleaning is super easy, and that’s because of the design. The 4-inch wheel is completely exposed, as are all other parts, thereby making it very easy to wash and dry.

Look At The Size Of That Wheel!

The bigger the wheel, the easier and faster it will be to cut. I’ve seen people complaining about wheel size, but the way I see it the positives far outweigh the negatives. In fact, only negative I can think of is storage (since it’s bigger, it requires more space). Go big or go home!


What I Don’t Like About It

A Protective Cover Would Be Nice!

I’m being overly critical here, but having a protective cover would make this an even better product. Remember, protective covers are important for many reasons:

  1. They help protect the cutting edge from getting damaged. If you store your kitchen tools in a drawer together, damage to an unprotected edge can happen very easily!
  2. They keep moisture out. No moisture means a reduced potential of rust formation.
  3. It keeps the wheel clean and free from debris/dirt.



#4 Chef Remi 3-In-1 Pizza Cutter

Probably not the best pizza cutter on this list, but definitely the most innovative! Pros and cons below.

Chef Remi 3-In-1: The Perfect Pizza Cutter For Parties And Events!
Chef Remi 3-In-1: The Perfect Pizza Cutter For Parties And Events!


What I Like About It

Serving Spatula Is Awesome!

Having a built in pizza serving spatula means you don’t have to worry about people getting their filthy hands everywhere. Want a slice? It would be my pleasure to help you with that! I’ve found the spatula to be particularly useful for house parties and family get-togethers.

Want A Slice? It Would Be My Pleasure!
Want A Slice? It Would Be My Pleasure!

Another Great Gift Idea (Especially With Christmas Coming Up!)

The holidays are just around the corner, and if you’re looking for gift ideas…..ehm ehm!

Slicer Works Well For Cakes, Breads

Use the serrated slicer for cakes, breads, pies, and anything else with a crust. It may not be the sharpest serrated edge, but it does get the job done.


What I Don’t Like About It

Rolling Wheel Is A Bit Too Small

A large rolling wheel means quicker and faster cutting. Add a large rolling wheel, and you significantly improve the design. Chef Remi, are you reading this? If so, you’re very welcome! 🙂



#5 KoBzA Rocker Slicer

A rocker blade that’s highly effective and best of all….small! More below.

KoBzA Rocker Slicer: Small, Versatile, And Incredibly Ergonomic!
KoBzA Rocker Slicer: Small, Versatile, And Incredibly Ergonomic!


What I Like About It

A Portable Solution

The problem I have with most rocker slicers (#2 on this list included) is how large and bulky they are. This makes storing them a bit of a pain in the rear. And that’s what makes the KoBzA rocker slicer so different! It’s a lot smaller than the conventional rocker blade which means you can carry it on the go.

Cleaning Is An Absolute Breeze!

From all 6 pizza cutters in this blog post, this has got to be the easiest to clean. The curvature of the blade, size, and overall design are a few reasons for this. Everything is exposed and easy to wipe dry, and because of this your potential of of rust or stain formation is drastically reduced.

You’d Be Surprised By Everything It Can Do

Mostly all rocker blades are versatile, but this takes it to a whole new level. Because the KoBzA requires one hand only, you can use it for all sorts of things in the kitchen; cut and slice fruits, vegetables, and cheeses, chop up herbs, and my favorite…cut off sandwich crust perfectly!

You Can Use The KoBzA For Many Different Kitchen Chores
You Can Use The KoBzA For Many Different Kitchen Chores


What I Don’t Like About It – Nothing!

I can think of anything I dislike about this product. If I were to be overly picky, maybe the price could be a couple dollars less. Other than that, this is a gem!



#6 Precision Kitchenware Pizza Wheel

Not looking to spend too much? If yes, then this is something you should consider before going to the dollar store and wasting your money!

Precision Kitchenware: A Budget Pizza Cutter That Kicks Ass!
Precision Kitchenware: A Budget Pizza Cutter That Kicks Ass!


What I Like About It

It Doesn’t Cost Much

This is the cheapest pizza wheel in today’s post (click here to check latest pricing on amazon). Most people think the less you pay, the lower the quality; this is an example of why that’s not true. It may not be as versatile as some of the others, but it does slice a pizza nicely. In that sense, it does exactly what it’s supposed to!

Lifetime Guarantee

Are you familiar with extended warranties at all? You’ve probably experienced all those pushy sales people telling you why you should get one, and why you’d be doomed if you don’t. It’s interesting to see how most manufacturers (electronics excluded) have started more and more to offer lifetime guarantees at no extra cost. Lifetime coverage for a cheap pizza cutter? Pretty absurd, but i’ll take it!

Customer Service Is On Point!

The folks at Precision Kitchenware are very easy to deal with. Definitely a positive if you ever have any defects or malfunctions and require to get a hold of them! These guys are trying to do the best they can to make sure every customer is satisfied.


What I Don’t Like About It

If You’re Not Careful, Rust Could Be An Issue

The steel used to forge the wheel is more prone to rust formation, therefore it is important to take extra care when washing and drying. Wash by hand and towel dry to remove all residual water, and always store in a cool, dry place.

Wash And Hand Dry, Always!
Wash And Hand Dry, Always!



2 Things You Should Always Remember

Finding the best pizza cutter is just one part of the problem, the other part is getting it to last you a lifetime. It’s much harder to do the latter, but if you follow these 2 simple rules, your next pizza cutter will be your last!

#1 Do Not Put It In The Dishwasher

Said it before, and i’ll say it again: dishwashers are for dishes, and nothing else. Stop being lazy and take 1-2 minutes to wash and hand dry. Trust me, you’ll reap the benefits in the long run. Now I know most of you will say “but aren’t they dishwasher friendly?” That’s what the manufacturers claim, but my recommendation is to avoid it at all costs.


#2 Take Storage Seriously

If you chuck your pizza cutter in a clattered drawer with all your other kitchen tools, and then complain about why it broke, or how unsharp it is, this one’s for you. Take storage seriously! If you want your kitchen tools to last, take the time to properly store them.



Enjoy Your Pizza, And Maybe Save Me A Slice!

If you’ve made it up to here, thanks for reading. I hope this post helps you find your best pizza cutter and when you do, make sure you save me a slice! Feel free to leave me your questions and comments below. Lastly if you enjoyed reading, a share would be hugely appreciated!


*Also, if you’re in the market for a knife sharpener, why not check out our reviews?*
Electric Knife Sharpener Reviews
Manual Knife Sharpener Reviews

6 thoughts on “

  1. Informative post. I personally prefer the rocker style cutter, simply because it can be used for more than just cutting a pizza. I’ve sometimes used mine to even mince up meat!

    1. Appreciate the comment Kev, and thanks for reading. Yup, the pizza in Naples is about as good as pizza will get. It’s no wonder all they mostly eat is pizza! Cheers!

  2. Well now I’m starving, thanks! Seriously though, I thought all of the reviews were helpful. The Chef Pizza Rocker Blade is a little too big for my liking though. I still see the wheel cutters being used by pizza places. If it’s good enough for them, it’s probably good enough for me! I’ll have to check out some of your other reviews as well.

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